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Autorenbild: Ricarda BaldaufRicarda Baldauf

the organic way - without technology!

On the way to holistic health, high energy, true efficiency, creativity, clarity & in the end longevity.

I came to the idea writing down & sharing this sheet this week when l spoke with a thankful client, who began (or wanted to) dive deeper into biohacking, because of different stress & success factors, but was overwhelmed then by the flood of opinion & offers. The fact that she was so surprised by the solid scientific background I’ve in this field, because I didn’t talk about it before as it was self-evident. This should be the energy you're doing it! The same time how easy & effortless it is by highly effectivity the way I’m doing it, I decided to show you at least the standard.

I don't share my timetable, because if this is the best for myself, it doesn't mean it's true for you.

Take it as a inspiration to integrate it step by step for yourself, because you've heard, read, saved hundreds of hacks, recipes, shortcuts (to become or reach whatever) of some influencers, I'm sure. What did you truly realize? Why you should do it, but still didn't?

My rule is: If it doesn't work with simple integration in daily business or life, it's worthless.

That's why I besides initiated .369 DATES WITH YOUR TRUE DESTINY this year.

Try to combine some steps to save spent time.

❊ Oil drawing & tongue scraper removes the biofilm (bacteria, plaque, pollutans), increases detoxification, mouth flora & reduces bad breath.

❊ Drink filtered & fresh(!) lemon water (optimizing option: with ginger + oil infusion) — the best 30min before breakfast to improve digestion & metabolism, reduce inflammation (as it regulates the ph-level), strengthens immune system etc. - through the oil infusion even more for as they are antibacterial antifungal as well as containing worthwhile antioxidants!

Tip on top: I love essential oils esp. for the mood-lifting & emotional effects - only to show you the strong efficacy, studies show it's often more effective than medication for depression(!) - so I care for myself before it comes to such situations & switch on my diffusor with the specific blend I choose depending on the tasks - one mindful warning: The high quality makes the big difference. Dm "ELEVATE" for the free overview of the favorite ones I work with.

❊ Meditate, whatever this means for you to reconnect with yourself & realign. In the moment I'm doing my own my "magnificent morning meditation", I recorded for the metamind mentoring, to make the most out of it (for me it means more magic moments:)!

1st "optimized" option on top: I love laying on my acupuncture or earthing or magnetic field mat. If you wake up with restless legs to release muscle tension & want to slow down your nervous system for free focused flow.

2nd option: I use light lamps to strengthen the serotonine level, the "happiness hormone" (red light decreases inflammation & benefits mitochondrial health, but this one better in the evening session, because it supports the start of melatonin release, btw better than supplementing it, because it supports your body to build it self-efficient with the concentration).

Tip on top: Maybe you've to switch the two m's, if your body or mind is too restless to sit or lay down in silence.

❊ Move at least 3 minutes in the morning to be truly in your body, if you're more the evening mover (depending on your energy type), but minimum 30 min daily to stimulate your metabolism & balance your energy level. It's truly a material thing of the meridians, in TCM the pathways, in which the life energy (Qi) is supposed to flow. The other reasons of moving I don't have to mention :)

3rd option on top: If you're the morning mover, you've to do it anyway, so you can take a cold-hot-shower to stimulate your metabolism & strengthen your immune system.

❊ Myofascial (face) massage with (non-negotiable!) pure products (mine out of essential oils) not only for beauty, but to promote blood circulation & the removal of toxins. The bathroom & beauty case is only organic, otherwise you've to detoxify even more in the end.

❊ Superfood breakfast to nourish(!), not to stuff your body - intueat what you want & need! There's only three things you should take serious: It’s biological, natural = non-industrial, with high nutrient density, maybe regional & seasonal

Tip on top: Wait with the coffee 90min until your cortisol level is back in track or choose decaf or raw cacao - save % with the code "RICARDA10" in the most fav shop - to order direct from the dschungle to the small manufacture.

❊ Supplement intelligent to refill the nutrient store, depending on state & season. I work since years with high quality premium products by sunday naturals, where I'm in licenced research cooperation to share 10% discounts with the secret code "TAN30081"& specials (only for my inner circle) with you. I don't share overall solutions, because it should be composed on individual basis. If you only choose a concilation to be supported with your concertation, write a short direct message with "ENERGIZE.

The same important is your daily detox routine to bind & remove toxins to be directly transported out of your blood system & (digestive) organs before it deposits in connective tissue or brain, otherwise the 1st step won't work very well, because the membrane’s are maybe indispensable & cells less receptive. I developed the 30 days of detoxify yourself protocol, based on the best of proven results (incl. in THED)

❊ Walking or balance board (or short stretching breaks) during the work & breathing to balance the brain areas adrenaline-noadrenaline-regulation. Slow deep breaths activate the parasymphatic nervous system.

Tip on top: If you plan with the ideal metaphysical day schedule, you can customize & conform with the perfect current energy. It's one of many ways to make the most out of it without paying the price of exhausting. I explain the easiest integration in detail incl. individual components(!) inside .THE LEADING MENTORING

❊ Take time for much more mindful lunch, less than low-carb or whatever trends being hyped to strengthen the sense of satiety & maybe for catching sunlight (yes, it’s important for your mental health!)

❊ Tune into the deep work mode (which doesn't work in survival mode!) through withdrawing all attention into this moment. It's a state of maximum concentration that enables you to learn complex processes and produce high-quality work quickly. It's the superpower in our increasingly competitive economy. If you focus without distraction on cognitively demanding tasks, it allows you to quickly master complicated information, processes and produce better results. You choose & priorize the tasks for this 60-90min timeslotes. Deep work is one of the best ways to unleash your creative potential, but it's much more than only productivity. It means for me to stay highly energized & motivated to tackle challenging tasks every day. That's why I made this tailored masterpiece transmission incl. in the mentoring as well to truly access this state within minutes. It's stronger than any meditation or music.

Tip on top: Do you drink too less? To secure your body stays hydrated, try out how to you level up (hot or cold) water with essential oils = without sugar but natural taste! The quality is inevitable decisive. Dm "ELEVATE" for the leading-edge choice.

❊ In the weekend I'm often go the spa with friends (or our small sauna), where we use our own essential oils as well as we don't want to breathe the toxic ingredients of the 'official' oils directly into the respiratory system - then blood, brain & organs.

❊ Enjoy your dinner the best 3h before sleep to disburden your digestion for deep sleep & at least 12h before breakfast time - or try 16/8 intermediate fast = you eat inside the chosen time 8h slot during the day to suspend for 16h between dinner & breakfast.

❊ Warm (base) bath to shorten sleep latency by lowering your body temperature afterwards & decrease sympathetic arousal, the best effect is reinforced by the recommended essential oils - one of it is lavender, which is incl. in the smooth starter set.

Tip on top: I’m showing selected masterpieces of the so called wind-downs inside THE HIGH ENERGY EXPERIENCE DAYS (THED waitlist will open soon). What we’ve to consider overall is the strategy beyond — why we’re (not) doing things, if we want to change unhealthy habits — why someone drinks the after-work wine, eats ultra-processed snacks, scrolls through social media etc. to destress or short dopamine kicks.

It’s important to include the hormone system (esp. dopamine, serotonine & oxitocine) in this discussion. The more you're balancing it for yourself, the more independent you’re in daily business decisions. In THED I show you an easy science-based exercise to strengthen all of them as well. The most interesting to investigate in this is the correlation of hormones with neurones & emotions to be empowered back in self-control - one of the topics we talk about.

❊ With the sunset, dim the light, install indirect spots & blue-light blocker on screens, because it effects the melatonin, cortisol level & emotional state - for deep sleep I set up the special "elevated evening" meditation (incl. in the mentoring), which is the incomparable state-of-the-art science-based choice (incl. the most innovative biohacks on the market), combined with high-frequent sound healing.

Tip on top: There's a lot of "ToDos" for better sleep like temperature. If I'd say only one of it, it’s “same time sleep" to secure your circadiane rhythm, your intern body clock. Ok, let's limit on two...

❊ No smartphone, laptop or tv (exceptional for music or meditation) at least 1h after & before sleep (esp. e-mails or social media, because the subconsciousness is the most open for manipulating messages), reduce e-smog & therefore brainfog (I made an enlighting unreleased shortcut call inside the mentoring where I show the main reasons for it, which is a chain of events - much more than emf) e.g. switch off the smartphone & wifi (if you can) before sleep to truly recover. The harmful influence of the whole electromagnetic radiation on our body-mind-emotion system is proven by profound studies since decades, but for some economic interest reasons not shown in the mainstream media.

The short summary: You don't need endless tracker, wearables etc. You'll feel, when you sleep well…:)

ENERGY IS EVERYTHING IS ENERGY! In essence this is the red thread. I’m teaching in high energetic performance trainings. Is it elevating or downgrading?

Do you want it in pdf form to print? Dm "BE THE BEST ME“ for the direct download!

Disclaimer: This protocol is based on science & personally proved optimized over 10 years, but (re)presents my own opinion.

I want to mention, because it underlines the message: This is written by myself, not influenced by technology. 🤍


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